2012年4月22日 星期日

Book: Standard Bidding with SAYC

開發Android WeWeWeb橋牌叫牌引擎時,我們需要選擇一個叫牌系統,玩家可以毫無困難與機械人溝通在這裡我們可以有一些不同的選擇,但無可否認SAYC標準美國黃卡)應該是一個首選。該系統簡單易學,相信是網上世界最流行的自然叫牌系統

叫牌系統編寫於叫牌引擎程式內ABCLSAYC系統8頁小冊子(2006)應該是一個好的開始。該文件描述了所有有關這個系統的基礎。然而,它還是不足夠讓你學習SAYC我們需要一本更全面的書。因此我建議<<Standard Bidding with Sayc>>由Ned Downeyllen Pomer合著(ISBN:978-1897106037)這本書給你。事實上,以SAYC為主題的書籍很少,這是我認為最好的一本。



English version:

In developing the bidding engine in Android WeWeWeb Bridge, we need to select a bidding system so that a player can communicate with the bot without difficulty. There are a number of different options, but it is hardly to deny that SAYC (Standard American Yellow Card) should be the number one candidate. The system is easy to learn and believed to be the most popular natural system for the online bridge world.

Of course, we need to have some references which can refer to in order to implement this standard to the program. The standing point should be ABCL's SAYC system 8 pages booklet (2006). The document describes all the basics about the system. However, it is not enough for you to learn SAYC. In order to have a more comprehensive book, I suggest the book <<
Standard Bidding with Sayc>> by Ned Downey and Ellen Pomer (ISBN: 978-1897106037). In fact, there are few SAYC books around and this is the best one I suppose.

The organization of the book is excellent which is based on the sections in the Yellow Card. It has everything you need for learning SAYC. Also, there are many examples which clear explanations. Even better is that it has a summary at the end of each section so that you can refer to them quickly in case you have forgotten something.

So, why is SAYC so popular in the online world? It is not only friendly to users but also friendly to those programmers who implement it into the robot's bidding engine. If you have the experiences on implementing both the SAYC and ACOL into the robot, you will believe how such a statement is stated.

2012年4月6日 星期五

Book: Guide to Better Card Play

WeWeWeb Bridge 遊戲內, 打牌引擎 (Play Engine) 是一個非常重要的元件, 因為機械人(Bot) 需要使用他來決定怎樣出牌. 為了開發和完善該組件, 本人參考過不少有關資料, 當中包括人工智能的參考文獻, 亦有關於橋牌的技術叢書. 在這裡, 我不打算談論人工智能, 因為我相信大部份人都沒有興趣. 所以, 還是回到橋牌技巧吧. 打牌技術其實是博大精深的. 想信大家還是初學者的時侯, 都聽過前輩教的簡單橋牌智慧, 例如: "第二家出小"和"第三家出大"等. 但如果我們不明所以, 將此兩個規則單簡地植入打牌引擎內, 我想信機械人打牌或會比新手更差呢!

要更能明白及掌握打牌理論巧, 參考 Ron Klinger 所著的 <<Guide to Better Card Play>> (ISBN: 978-0304357697) 是一個不錯的選擇. 本書分為四個部分一)基本的防守打法; 二)基本莊家技巧; 三) 改善防守打法;及  四)改善莊家技巧. 雖然本書只有不足二百頁, 大部份材料亦寫得非常詳盡,其中包括理論,解釋,例子和練習等項目如果你不是專家級數的橋手,我相信你一定能在書中找到一些新鮮或以前沒有留意過的材料。



English version:

One of the important components in the WeWeWeb Bridge program is the play engine which is used by the bot to play the 4 hands. In order to develop and improve that component, I've read a number of references. Some of them are related to A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and some of them are specific to the Bridge Game domain. We are not talking about A.I.in here as most of you do not have interest in it. So, back to the Bridge game, in fact, there are numerous play skills and techniques exist. For example, for novice, one must have heard those rules like: "Second hand plays little" & "Third hand plays big". However, if you simply implement these rules into the engine, I believe the robot will be weaker than a novice!

To understanding more about the play techniques and theories, the book <<Guide to Better Card Play>> by Ron Klinger (ISBN:978-0304357697) is one of the options. This book is divided into 4 parts: i) Basic defensive play; ii) Basic declarer play; iii) Better defensive play; & iv) Better declarer play. Though it has only about 200 pages, but it explains most of the items in detail which includes theories, explanations, examples and exercises. If you are not an expert, I believe some of the points it mentioned may be fresh to you.

The only drawback I can think of is the layout of the pages are quite "condense", that's explain why a 200 pages book can contain so much information. Also, the paper quality is not good as mine edition borrowed from library is printed in 1990. Apart from these, my rating to the book is excellent.

If you are a player ranged from novice to intermediate and want to improve the game, I recommend this book to you.


2012年4月2日 星期一


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咁, 究竟佢係乜人作既呢? 原來係出自59年李翰祥拍既<<倩女幽魂>>. 不過佢亦都唔係原創, 只係係下面兩首古詩內抄橋:

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長安古意》 盧照鄰


原來好既文章, 唔一定要原作. "天下文章一大抄", 真係講得冇錯既.