2012年11月26日 星期一


大家看到這個標題一定會想是真的嗎? 先別否定其真確性, 想一在什麼樣的工作可以賺取到這個收入. 我可以想到啲就是那些做創作的例如作家, 畫家或一些接到freelance的設計家等. 可以好肯定說, 這類人必須有特殊技能, 而且是運氣比較好啲一群. 莫說是留在家中工作, 就算要外出幹活的香港人, 又有多少人多少可以拿到這月薪呢?

好了, 回正題吧. 今天我如常看某個財經網站. 看到一個廣告, 廣告中人物為一位女士擁著一個小孩, 另外有字句寫著, 她留在家中工作就可以日賺250美元. 予人既感覺就是很幸福, 很輕鬆就能賺取生活費的聯想. 一向好奇的我當然很有興趣, 好想看一下如何可賺取這個報酬.

一按這個廣告, 就會進入一個叫 Career Journal Online, 這個網頁的風格好像是網上雜誌. 上面有Now logo的以新聞報導形式啲短片, 有一張USD8,795的支票相片. 還有我們香港人熟識的很有公信力的兩大傳媒機構蘋果及東方Logo. 當然還有缺少不了的好評如潮的用家評論. 真是 "Too good to be true"? 大家細心看一下:

Career Journal Online 只是一個簡單的網頁

1) 一個正常啲網站, 其首頁應該最有賣相. 但如果你在瀏覽器內真接輸入其主網頁 http://www.careerjournalonline.com/ , 你只會見到一個空白網頁.

 2) 如果你嘗試瀏覽其網頁內其他目錄, 它其會顯示一個網頁叫人去登記成為會員,以賺取可觀的報酬.

3)如果你用whois database 查詢  careerjournalonline.com 的擁有人, 對不 起, 他沒有公開. 只知他是從一間叫 Namecheap.com 的注册公司買回來的. 通常不肯公開身份啲人士, 就要格外小心. 因為如果你有任何損失, 真是無從追究.


 當你要離開這個網頁時, 它會轉到一個登記網頁內. 死不斷氣. 你再要離開時, 又轉至另一個網頁上, 這次他會強調費用全免, 數量有限, 你有五分鐘時間保住個位, 個鐘仔重會一秒秒咁減少, 真係唔買就笨!


 所有評價都是正面的. 但是剛好到今天為止, 不再接受新評價.


1) 一開始他己說明:”This site is not affiliated with any newspaper publication”. 如果閣下將這個網頁聯想到什麼雜誌, 傳媒. 對不起,  想錯方向了.

2) 最精景的還是最後的那個Terms and Condition, 為咗原汁原味, 還是把他全引出來:

"We are not affiliated in any way with CNN, WebTV, News Channel 6, ABC, NBC, CBS, U.S. News or FOX, and all such trademarks on this web site, whether registered or not, are the property of their respective owners. The authors of this web site are not sponsored by or affiliated with any of the third-party trade mark or third-party registered trade mark owners, and make no representations about them, their owners, their products or services

The term "advertorial" is a combination of "advertisement" and "editorial" written in an editorial format as an independent report, when in fact the advertisement may promote a particular product or interest. Advertorials take factual information and report it in an editorial format to allow the author, often a company marketing its products, to enhance or explain certain elements to maintain the reader's interest. A familiar example is an airline's in-flight magazines that provide an editorial reports about travel destinations to which the airline flies.

As an advertorial, this page receives compensation for clicks on or purchase of products featured on this site. This program is not a job but an educational opportunity that can help individuals learn how to earn money through their entrepreneurial efforts. Anyone who decides to buy any program about making money will not necessarily make money simply by purchasing the program. People who think "I bought these materials so I'm going to automatically make money" are wrong. As any type of education has so many variables, it is impossible to accurately state what you may expect to achieve, however, people who bought the program not only bought the program, but also undertook additional training and education, applied the principles to an area of the market that was growing, kept their commitments and continued to learn. If you do what the individuals depicted did, you may generally expect to achieve a great education in the area of your choice, but you should not expect to earn any specific amount of money. Typical users of the starter materials that don't enroll in coaching, don't keep their commitments and don't implement what they learn, generally make no money. Consistent with the advertorial concept, the comments posted in the comment section are also representative of typical comments and experiences which have been compiled into a comment format to illustrate a dialogue, however, the comments are not actual posts to this webpage and have been compiled or generated for illustrative purposes only."

咁多字大家可能冇乜心機看. 不過佢地都好好人, 將個重點畫咗底線. 即是佢地冇offer任何job比你, 佢地只係賣一教育機會比你去自己賺錢. 如果你有唔接受佢地既訓練, 唔保持承諾去行你由佢地所學到既, 你係賺唔到錢. 即是千祺唔好怨佢地,只係你做唔到佢既要求.


在這個資訊發達既社會, 我地好易就找到一啲第三者既評論. 雖然這些第三者評論都不能盡信, 但起碼不會是一面倒. 整體來看會比較客觀. 如果你在Google內尋找"Career Journal Online" 你會找到相關資料. 如果加上"Scam"既關鍵字, 則可以找到更多啲負面評論. 留意負面評論不一定是偏激或虛假的陳述.


常言道, 真係有咁大隻蛤蜊隨街跳? 人家比一百蚊你, 一定要係你身上拿到不少於一百蚊既回報. 呢個係商業社會既原則. 所以, 光棍佬早有家訓, 便宜莫貪. 呢個網站既Business Model, 就好似你比錢來點隻股票比你, 貼士錢就比咗, 但賺蝕就要看你自己. 你話誰人是真正贏家呢?

佢地既package係有分, starter materials....咁按理當然有intermediate, advanced, professional.....等等等. 咁究竟乜野既package才適合你? 咁就要看你對佢有幾大既信心同願意比幾多錢喇.

如果大家有耐性看到呢度, 可能有個疑問, 有人真係會比錢買佢既package? 答案係肯定, 如果唔係佢地邊有收入去係果個財經網站大賣廣告呢. 其實果個財經網站理應要做係挑選, 唔好只為廣告收入而忽略咗買廣告客戶既背景, 因為好多人都會因為網站既信譽去相信其廣告客戶既質素. 呢個就叫做企業良心. "君子好財, 取之有道"呀嗎!

2012年5月28日 星期一

小強, 愛作戰!

昨天深宵時分, 呆坐電腦前.在萬籟俱寂的空間,突然有一隻頗大飛蟲,在天花板下快速飛舞,發出駭人的拍翼聲.過住的人生經驗告訴我要保持泠靜,通常飛蟲入屋都沒有太大危險性.我最印象深刻的一次就是一隻大黑蜂飛進我家.可幸的是牠對我沒有敵意,迷途的黑蜂只想找出歸家的路,不幸的是牠誤碰到了天花板上灼熱的燈泡,就這樣地把牠的一生了結.

因此, 我就冷靜觀察,看牠的命運會不會和黑蜂一樣.但直覺告訴我事情有點不對勁.牠,不像一般飛蟲那種輕盈優雅,低速而吃力的拍翼,雜亂無章的飛行路線,充滿攻擊性、壓迫感.再細心觀察,發覺牠的體型比黑蜂還大,呈討厭的深棕色.我腦海內不斷搜索不同飛蟲的記憶.突然,在我腦海內浮現出一幅的很大的圖像:我的第一大天敵: 「飛甴曱」


可能牠也飛得有點倦.終於,牠停留在浴室的門角處作小休.這時,我想到和我並肩作戰十多年的老朋友,它正堅守在客廳的崗位上,等待我的召喚.要到達客廳,必須經過浴室門前. 這時,我就感到十分的為難,極度擔心經過牠面前會對我有所行動,所以只好遠遠的和牠對望.(在這給大家一點小知識:甴曱的視力十分差).經過幾分鐘的對峙,終於儲存到足夠的勇氣,全力往目標衝!

到達客廳,將「老朋友」握於手中,嚴如拿到神兵利器,勇氣指數滿溢.立刻往浴室門角方向噴射.可恨就是這隻「不速之客」己不知所蹤.但據我所知甴曱對殺蟲水的氣味是十分敏感,牠躲在狹窄的浴室內一定會很不安,並嘗試跑到別的地方.我耐心的等...終於牠再度現身,跑到雜物房門前,停下來.這時我把握機會,繼續向牠噴射.牠似乎理解到面對極度的危機,奮力的住雜物房內鑽.牠跑得真快,很快就不知去向.我也十分不安,因為如果如牠跑掉,我的雜物房一定會變成牠(們)的地盤.所以,我只有無目的地在牠的可能藏身處噴射. 過了一會,感到這種漫無目的的行動是沒有幫助,只好無奈的收手.但心裡滿是忐忑不安, 內心正在拚砌著一幅幅恐怖的畫面.



早上醒來,細心思考,為何 「老朋友」用這麼多都不能快速殺死那隻甴曱呢. 不竟用了十多年,可能是「老朋友」真的是老了,效力減弱了.於是立刻跑去買一枝新的殺蟲水.在這裡,又發現一個家居智慧,新的殺蟲水在超級市場賣到$49.7,但藥房只需$40,足足貴了四分之一價錢!


2012年5月13日 星期日

The Complete Book on Overcalls in Contract Bridge

WeWeWeb Bridge的叫牌引擎大至可以分成兩個子系統: 沒有或有受天干擾的叫牌情況. 前者相對簡單及靜態, 在大部分有關叫牌系統的書籍都有詳細的討論. 不過, 在橋牌桌上, 對手大多數都不會乖乖地靜坐著, 讓你慢慢叫到最有利的合約. 因此, 玩家要有心理準備大部分的叫牌過程都是和對手爭叫. 制訂爭叫系統的難處是每組對手都有可能用一種不同既叫牌系統, 要每個叫牌系統都制訂一個專門的爭叫系是不可行的. 所以我們要找一個更具彈性的爭叫系統.

由於市面上有很多叫牌書籍都輕輕帶過爭叫那部份, 我們需要找一本專門討論爭叫參考書. 在市面上, 專門談論爭叫的參考書數量很少, 今次我介紹的這本 (很可能是最好的一本)叫Overcalls in Contract Bridge (ISBN: 978-1897106457), 由Mike Lawrence 著作. 這本書談論了很多有關蓋叫的資料, 十分詳細. 本書分為三個部分一)蓋叫; II)回應蓋叫;三)繼續蓋叫。本書的內客主要是談論大量例子, 加上每部分及書本結尾都有一個練習章節, 供讀者測試自己的所學到的. 這本書可說是很有權威,有一些作者還引用了這本書的內容. 最後說一下"缺點": 這本書沒有任何理論, 作者只跟據自身的經驗及理解而談論.

如果閣下對爭叫還覺得有不足之處, 我建議這本書給你.

English version:

The WeWeWeb Bridge bidding engine can be divided into two sub-systems: bidding without and with intervention. The former is relatively simple and static in nature, most of the books related to bidding system cover it well. However, in the real Bridge battleground, the opponents are seldom kind enough to keep quiet and let the other side bid peacefully and reach the optimal contract. Thus, players is expected to involve in competition auctions most of the time. The challenge of developing competition bidding is as opponents may use different bidding systems, it is almost infeasible to develop a separate competition system to counter each bidding system. A more generic competition bidding system should be available for player in serving that purpose.

Most of the books about bidding system do not discuss the competition bidding in details. We need a separate book  which focuses on competition bidding. There are few selections, the one, which may probably be the best one, I recommend to you is The Complete Book on Overcalls in Contract Bridge by Mike Lawrence (ISBN: 978-1897106457). The book states almost all the situations relatively to overcalls. It has three part: i) Overcalls; ii) Responding to an Overcall; iii) Continuing the auction. The style of the book is based numerous examples attached with explanations. For each part as well has the end of the book, there is a separate quiz chapter to test what the readers have learned. This is a rather authoritative book that has referred by authors of other books. The only "disadvantage" of the book I can think of is the lacking of theory, the author only wrote out his idea and experience.

If you want to improve your competition bidding skill, I recommend this book to you.

2012年4月22日 星期日

Book: Standard Bidding with SAYC

開發Android WeWeWeb橋牌叫牌引擎時,我們需要選擇一個叫牌系統,玩家可以毫無困難與機械人溝通在這裡我們可以有一些不同的選擇,但無可否認SAYC標準美國黃卡)應該是一個首選。該系統簡單易學,相信是網上世界最流行的自然叫牌系統

叫牌系統編寫於叫牌引擎程式內ABCLSAYC系統8頁小冊子(2006)應該是一個好的開始。該文件描述了所有有關這個系統的基礎。然而,它還是不足夠讓你學習SAYC我們需要一本更全面的書。因此我建議<<Standard Bidding with Sayc>>由Ned Downeyllen Pomer合著(ISBN:978-1897106037)這本書給你。事實上,以SAYC為主題的書籍很少,這是我認為最好的一本。



English version:

In developing the bidding engine in Android WeWeWeb Bridge, we need to select a bidding system so that a player can communicate with the bot without difficulty. There are a number of different options, but it is hardly to deny that SAYC (Standard American Yellow Card) should be the number one candidate. The system is easy to learn and believed to be the most popular natural system for the online bridge world.

Of course, we need to have some references which can refer to in order to implement this standard to the program. The standing point should be ABCL's SAYC system 8 pages booklet (2006). The document describes all the basics about the system. However, it is not enough for you to learn SAYC. In order to have a more comprehensive book, I suggest the book <<
Standard Bidding with Sayc>> by Ned Downey and Ellen Pomer (ISBN: 978-1897106037). In fact, there are few SAYC books around and this is the best one I suppose.

The organization of the book is excellent which is based on the sections in the Yellow Card. It has everything you need for learning SAYC. Also, there are many examples which clear explanations. Even better is that it has a summary at the end of each section so that you can refer to them quickly in case you have forgotten something.

So, why is SAYC so popular in the online world? It is not only friendly to users but also friendly to those programmers who implement it into the robot's bidding engine. If you have the experiences on implementing both the SAYC and ACOL into the robot, you will believe how such a statement is stated.

2012年4月6日 星期五

Book: Guide to Better Card Play

WeWeWeb Bridge 遊戲內, 打牌引擎 (Play Engine) 是一個非常重要的元件, 因為機械人(Bot) 需要使用他來決定怎樣出牌. 為了開發和完善該組件, 本人參考過不少有關資料, 當中包括人工智能的參考文獻, 亦有關於橋牌的技術叢書. 在這裡, 我不打算談論人工智能, 因為我相信大部份人都沒有興趣. 所以, 還是回到橋牌技巧吧. 打牌技術其實是博大精深的. 想信大家還是初學者的時侯, 都聽過前輩教的簡單橋牌智慧, 例如: "第二家出小"和"第三家出大"等. 但如果我們不明所以, 將此兩個規則單簡地植入打牌引擎內, 我想信機械人打牌或會比新手更差呢!

要更能明白及掌握打牌理論巧, 參考 Ron Klinger 所著的 <<Guide to Better Card Play>> (ISBN: 978-0304357697) 是一個不錯的選擇. 本書分為四個部分一)基本的防守打法; 二)基本莊家技巧; 三) 改善防守打法;及  四)改善莊家技巧. 雖然本書只有不足二百頁, 大部份材料亦寫得非常詳盡,其中包括理論,解釋,例子和練習等項目如果你不是專家級數的橋手,我相信你一定能在書中找到一些新鮮或以前沒有留意過的材料。



English version:

One of the important components in the WeWeWeb Bridge program is the play engine which is used by the bot to play the 4 hands. In order to develop and improve that component, I've read a number of references. Some of them are related to A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and some of them are specific to the Bridge Game domain. We are not talking about A.I.in here as most of you do not have interest in it. So, back to the Bridge game, in fact, there are numerous play skills and techniques exist. For example, for novice, one must have heard those rules like: "Second hand plays little" & "Third hand plays big". However, if you simply implement these rules into the engine, I believe the robot will be weaker than a novice!

To understanding more about the play techniques and theories, the book <<Guide to Better Card Play>> by Ron Klinger (ISBN:978-0304357697) is one of the options. This book is divided into 4 parts: i) Basic defensive play; ii) Basic declarer play; iii) Better defensive play; & iv) Better declarer play. Though it has only about 200 pages, but it explains most of the items in detail which includes theories, explanations, examples and exercises. If you are not an expert, I believe some of the points it mentioned may be fresh to you.

The only drawback I can think of is the layout of the pages are quite "condense", that's explain why a 200 pages book can contain so much information. Also, the paper quality is not good as mine edition borrowed from library is printed in 1990. Apart from these, my rating to the book is excellent.

If you are a player ranged from novice to intermediate and want to improve the game, I recommend this book to you.


2012年4月2日 星期一


今日係"哥哥"張國禁既死忌, 電視台重播返<<倩女幽魂>>. 呢套戲我本已看過退多次, 不過仍然係百看不厭. 片中有一個情節, 講及小倩同寧采臣夜半挑燈談心, 兩人將字畫既詩, 再吟寫一次. 當中意景, 實在觸動人心. 可能大家對首詩冇乜印象 , 佢既內容如下:


唔...."衹羡鴛鴦不羡仙"呢句, 係咪好熟, 好有意境呢? 其實呢首詩唔係原作, 翻查資料, 發覺佢係抄以下呢首詩:


咁, 究竟佢係乜人作既呢? 原來係出自59年李翰祥拍既<<倩女幽魂>>. 不過佢亦都唔係原創, 只係係下面兩首古詩內抄橋:

《别思》 白衣卿相(柳永)


長安古意》 盧照鄰


原來好既文章, 唔一定要原作. "天下文章一大抄", 真係講得冇錯既.