2013年9月12日 星期四

How to change member's location

In order to change the member's location (represented region), you must use the Generic Client. The Generic Client is Java program which you must have the Java Runtime installed on your PC/Mac/Linux desktop to run it.

To start the Generic Client, open the following URL with you desktop:


In the online section, select the line "Recommend to use Web Start". Note that you cannot start the program if your desktop does not have Java installed.

The following are the steps to to change the member's location, if you have successfully logged into the server using the Generic Client:

Step 1:  In the game room screen, select the Option button on the right.

Step 2: In the option screen, select the profile tab.

Step 3: Select the location you want to represent. For resource reason, we have only included those more popular locations. In case you cannot find specific one for you, you can select  "--" which means others.

(You may send to webmaster@weweweb.net to add back your location. However, we reserve the right to decide the addition or not.)

2013年6月10日 星期一



離黃金海岸最近的公車路線是『茄萣 1 台南火車站 』,可在台南火車站正對面的南站公車亭搭或是在西門站搭,大概1015分鐘會有一班,下車點在喜南里(可問司機),下車後往前走可找到一條喜樹路340,沿此巷直走約56分鐘即可到黃金海岸.

View Larger Map

2013年6月9日 星期日

How to configure the WeWeWeb Bridge's UI for my Tablet

The default UI is designed for a phone. So, when you are using a tablet/phone size with 5+ inch or a high resolution screen, the font size may be too small to read. In order to address the issue, we have provided some customized options for user to setup the UI's font & card size according to the user's own preference.

In this article, we provide a walk-through on how to configure a 7" tablet for the standard font size set to the one which the author thinks is most suitable to his visible experience.

The following the is default screen layout of a 7" tablet for the bidding screen:

One can find that the bidding suit is too small to read. Also, the bidding button may be too small to hit right.

In order to tune the font size, from the main menu select the options: Tools > User Interface Settings > Font Style Configuration. The following screen shows the initial font size settings:

The screen shows the global font size setting of the app. The standard font size is 14sp which you can set from 8sp to 30sp. Some settings are based on scaling as they have already adjusted according to different screen density. However, you can re-scale them from 0.5X to 2X.

Now change the font size options for a 7 inches tablet. (Note that there is no 'the best settings' and it solely depends on personal preference).

With the above setting, It is clear that the UI's font size are enlarged.

Since it is a global setting, all the other screen's font size will be adjusted accordingly. Eg.:



2013年4月11日 星期四

How to use the Deal Engine in WeWeWeb's Android Client

Deal Engine is a new option which replaces the old Lucky Hand Option. It allows you have a better control of the hand you want to deal.

The old lucky option is a simple mechanism which simply ensures that the player's hand has at least 10HCP. However, the deal engine can do much more but it needs the user to have a basic understanding on how it works.

When the Deal Engine Option is firstly enabled, all the weights are set to 1. The weight tells the relative chance of each case will be dealt. The all 1s setting means the chance of dealing a slam hand is same as a part-score hand. This is obviously an unrealistic setting. So what should be the correct setting. In fact, this is a quite subjective question and it solely depends on the kind of deal you want more.

What I want to tell you now is the approximate weight setting in the Pair HCP session of a normal deal. According to The ACBL's Official Bridge Encyclopedia, the probability of a deal of total HCP for a partner  is shown on the following table:

With the above data, we can calculate the probability of each range:

31-40: 1.27755%
26-39: 11.368%
23-25: 17.63%
18-22: 39.448%
15-17: 17.63%
10-14: 11.368%
0-9: 1.27755%

To convert the percentage to the weight, scale them by 2 and round it to nearest integer will do. That is:

31-40: 3
26-39: 23
23-25: 35
10-14: 23

In order to simulate the lucky hand effect, just remove their game out. One have,

26-39: 23

Note that the Deal Engine is not really a random deal engine which means the distribution with a hcp range is not natural. So, besides practice, it is better to switch the Deal Engine off in order to enjoy a real Bridge Game.

2013年4月2日 星期二

How to register a Bridge Pair in WeWeWeb

In order to register a Bridge Pair, you must use the Generic Client.

Step 1

Right click your name on player list, the user's shortcut menu will be popped up.

Step 2

Select the Bridge Profile >  Pair Tab.

Step 3

Add a new pair.

Step 4

Invite some one to join your pair. (The invited player must be online and in the same room).

Step 5

The invitee must accept the invitation so as to form a pair.


After the registration process, all the pair's game will be ranked. Note that rank 99999 means never been ranked and IMP -99999 means the pair has never played a game.